![online marketing strategies](https://sitesbydesign.com.au/wp-content/uploads/conversion-rate-optimisation-affordable-seo-services.png)
Small business owners around Australia have actually been rather sluggish to use Online Marketing Strategies. It’s not surprising considering that many commonly used Online Marketing Strategies don’t seem right for most small businesses.
Also, lots of small business owners still hold a mistaken belief. That the only way to create brand-new client leads is through referrals and networking.
Hey there! The world is changing! New Online Marketing Strategies are already giving great results. Generating leads for countless small businesses around Australia!
Online Marketing Strategies that Work
- We model Online Marketing Strategies today off the same relationship trust as old School marketing strategies.
- The new model is founded on showing knowledge and building relationships, like the list-building of years gone by.
- Online Marketing Strategies continue improving.
So, here are 10 proven Online Marketing Strategies that are working for small businesses today.
1) Search Engine Optimization
So, your possible clients deal with problems in their business every day they want to learn how to resolve. Many times potential clients are searching based on their location.
These days, most people do searches on their phone, tablet or laptop. So, one of the first things they do is ‘Google’ their concern, question or problem. For local solutions, they follow the search with their location.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is where you make your website conform to Google’s rules and generate buzz making it look popular. It gives you exposure to match people who are searching for answers to their problems. So you should write content which is helpful to their buying journey and helps them solve problems.
Then you’ll end up on their shortlist when they’re ready to spend money on a solution. You’ll become an authority in your niche more and more as you appear in search.
2) Pay Per Click Advertising
Another way of getting exposure to possible customers is spending budget in Google Ads Management for the right search terms. This strategy offers you greater control over the search terms by which you want to be found. And Pay-Per-Click (PPC) leads are generally better quality due to the fact that the possible client is usually searching for the solution to their own problem. A solution that you can offer that makes a big difference for them.
There is a solid difference between Google Ads and SEO. When you stop paying for Google Ads the leads stop flowing. Each piece of content or backlink you obtain is another brick in the wall that finally becomes your home.
Google Ads provides great sales leads rapidly for your budget. However, it can eat your money up if you don’t manage it properly!
3) Lead Generating Websites or Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
Most small business websites aren’t designed to generate leads. As a matter of fact, lots of them are almost “anti-lead generators”.
They are usually Jargon-filled, self-absorbed sites. These useless sites are plentiful on the small business scene. And they are unhelpful and entirely passive. And visitors need to understand what you do and which problems you can fix for them. Or, before long, they will go to other sites for that information and answers to their questions.
Compare this with having a website which is planned and written to generate leads. A website with headlines which are thought out well in advance. Headlines which are powerful due to their preplanned mental triggers.
You need a website that is designed to make it simple for clients to understand your value. And see the info they need or even request contact with you.
The difference that Conversion Rate Optimisation can make to Online Marketing Strategies is always notable.
4) Online Networking
I could have called this method “social networks,”. However, I wanted to make a point. The nature of social networks is not which platform you use. It’s the quality of the content and reach you have.
The style of communication may differ considerably between Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. So it’s about making connections with the people who are or will be in the market for your offer. And online networking can get you credibility and referrals. Expect to get leads similar to the amount of your time and attention you give your following.
5) Webinars
A webinar is the same as a workshop or other event, but it’s on the internet. They are used to pitch a product or service and are usually offered totally free.
With some webinar sites, you can also create them as ‘recurring’ products which are watched over and over. Over time, your attendees will come to trust you. And will be likely to think of you when they have a problem to solve.
Therefore you can shape the worldview of your potential customers in regards to your industry by using multiple webinars.
6) Industry Research Reports
One of the rarely used Online Marketing Strategies is to offer executive summaries or full research reports. And specifically on the markets that you serve. You benefit in two ways.
- First, these files are excellent Online Marketing Strategies.
- Second, they boost your authority and strengthen your online brand.
Your research subjects should be interesting to your target client group. And, these research studies can be an awesome vehicle for high-value partnerships. Trade associations or noncompeting businesses can make great partners. This could minimize your marketing cost and increase your credibility.
7) Video-Based Online Marketing Strategies
So, to pitch your business, discuss complex services or present your team you can use video marketing. And, in each of these functions, video can play an essential lead generating function. Video-based Online Marketing Strategies are extremely effective.
Video is also much more genuine. And, people will connect with you on a different level when they can see you, warts and all. So, sure, sometimes people may not trust your face. And sometimes your face may build even more trust. Finally, Either way, Online Marketing Strategies need authenticity and video can help with that quite a lot.
8) White Papers or e-Books
SEO based Online Marketing Strategies are usually one of the most common Online Marketing Strategies. So, credibility and qualified sales leads can be generated by good white-papers. And you can use white paper downloads anywhere on your website.
So, you can charge nothing for them or put them behind a registration screen. Or, you can distribute it through third-party services. White-papers also make fantastic pay-per-click deals.
A variation on the ‘white paper’ is the ‘ebook’. Usually longer than a white paper, an ebook serves a similar function. And, if written well, It can produce fantastic buzz and develop your reputation. Especially if your e-book goes into immense depth on a subject.
It is common that a good eBook is uploaded to many PDF websites in SEO. That eBook usually contains links to the website of the business who provided it. The eBooks usually don’t all get exposure, however, the search engines find them and they create great authority.
9) Email Based Online Marketing Strategies
Your email newsletter should provide quality content. So, you can produce a considerable number of hot sales leads when people sign up. And your newsletter is a great way to nurture existing people on your list.
Lots of small businesses also use email to announce new services and offer special deals. To develop your subscriber list, offer a complimentary membership on your site or in your email signature block.
Simply remember, the better your material, the more people will read it and remember you. And the less likely it will be deemed spam and unsubscribed.
10) Blogging On Your Website
Blogging on your own website is one of the most powerful Online Marketing Strategies. And when done right other people will link to your content as an authority. This grows your authority in the search engines quite a lot. Getting other people to link to your blog posts will boost authority even more!
I left blogging for last. To be truthful, normal blog sites don’t produce a lot of sales leads. However, they do grow your authority in the eyes of your reader.
So, blogging on your own website is the most likely driver of traffic to your website. And blogging permits you to create lots of keyword-rich content that can be found in search engines. So, it can attract a great deal of qualified potential customers to your website.
This assumes that you host your blog on your actual website – which I strongly advise. You can also promote your blog posts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Without a blog, your SEO efforts will be handicapped. And with a good blog, you are turbocharging your website with more possible keywords for discovery.
A Summary of Our Online Marketing Strategies
These ten online Online Marketing Strategies alone could end up being the cornerstone of any robust marketing plan.
Include standard marketing methods, such as face-to-face networking and tradeshow marketing. Then you have a powerful online marketing strategy for boosting your opportunity. Online Marketing Strategies and standard marketing make a powerful combination.